Green Ocean
Stamina partnership program
3 ways of partnership to make money together

Why green ocean?
As usual, businesses who creates new products or services, they have 2 choices- whether to enter Red Ocean where market rules are already set and you should catch the fishes by competing with huge amount of fishers, or Blue ocean where all the processes and market rules are set by yourself.
Green ocean is the perfect mix of these two options and with cooperating not competing you can create added value together.

6 points you gain within partnership

Affiliate partnership

Free of charge trainings

High commissions

Full onboarding support

Triple win strategy

New source of high income

The Opportunity You should never miss
3 ways of partnership to make money together
Who can apply?
⚪ Advisory
⚪ Marketing
⚪ Accounting
⚪ Financial
⚪ Human resources
and other outsourcing companies, and individuals (freelancers).

Highlignts from "Green Ocean" event
"Green Ocean" implies 3 different partnership programs through which it is possible to make additional money together.
Click the button and book a meeting to know the details of the partnership as a/an: